You can request from the Romanian state both the right of short-term stay and the right of long-term stay.
We assist you throughout the process of acquiring the right of residence, starting with choosing the best solution for the situation you are in, going through the necessary documents and formalities, until the effective obtaining of the right of residence.
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Get rid of the bureaucracy of setting up or changing a company.
We offer you an experience of over 15 years within the institutions of the Romanian state in order to establish or effectively modify any limited liability company.
Based on the service contract, we will draft the articles of association, the loan agreement if applicable, the decision of the associates, the decision. We will fill in all the requests and forms necessary for setting up the company / mentions, declarations on our own responsibility of Lack of Association of Owners or Tenants. We will prepare, submit, collect and hand over the final documents for the establishment of the LLC from the Trade Register.
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In a labor market affected by the demographic crisis, labor immigration solutions cannot be ignored.
More and more fields of activity have discovered the benefits of importing workers from countries such as Vietnam, Pakistan, China, but also South America or even the Republic of Moldova.
Our clients work in various fields such as construction, hotels, restaurants, beauty salons, agriculture, logistics, real estate management services, etc.
We take care of the formalities necessary for the immigration of workers (obtaining the right to stay for work or secondment on the Romanian territory) as well as their identification through our external partners in the countries of residence.
Former Romanian citizens, as well as their first, second or third degree descendants can apply for (re) acquisition of Romanian citizenship.
The persons who have lost the Romanian citizenship due to reasons not imputable to them or to whom it was revoked without their will will benefit from all our support during the process of recovery or acquisition of the Romanian citizenship.
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